Sunday 7 June 2015

Hello again, its been too long!

Well I shall start by saying that I’m not really one who likes to blog.... or maybe I do, but there are a number of reasons that stop me. I tend to make a lot of grammatical errors (just ask my dad who claims half my university degree is due to him being my editor). I’d hate to be perceived incorrectly by people, like that I think I’m some sort of guru and that everyone needs to read about me. So yes, to be honest I probably care too much about what people think. I also don’t like the idea that people can read my blog and I might never know! It also scares me having my friends who may not understand my faith reading my blog, as they might just get a glimpse into the real part of me, which yes is a crazy, Jesus loving Christian! (I hope those people still want to be my friends ha-ha). 

On the other hand, I guess I have been challenged lately that it’s important to share my story. I love the idea of having somewhere to capture this as it unfolds. I also hope it can be away of encouraging people and something I can look back upon when I’m old and grey and I want to remember moments in my life that I would otherwise have forgotten.

So here is a little bit of my next chapter.

Three weeks a go I put in my resignation at one of my jobs.
It might not seem like a big deal, but it definitely has felt like it is. Firstly, because I never realised how much of my life and heart I’d invested in my job until I decided to go. Secondly, because I don’t really have an answer to tell people when they ask me where are you going next, or what’s your plan. But largely because it has uncovered one of those weaknesses in my life that I’ve constantly wished wasn’t there, but that I’ve needed to face.  And this friends is the fact that I hate (or used to hate) making decisions. This is largely attributed to the fact that after I finally weigh up every possible option, outcome and conclusion and then make a very, very, very well informed decision, I generally start doubting it.

James 1: 6-8 (the message version)
If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get his help and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who “worry their prayers” are like wind-whipped waves. Don’t think you’re going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.

So through this process I feel I have learnt a thing or two..

Doubts are not my friends. Doubts are nasty. They often try to appear so small and cute and teeny tiny that they don’t matter. They also try to pretend that they are helping to protect you from some looming danger or serious catastrophe as the result of your “poor decision making”. They try to tell you ALL the things that you may have forgotten to think about (as if you ever forgot).

Well the truth is doubts are liars & they are definitely not your friends.

Doubts lead you no-where except for circle after circle in your thoughts.. The exact opposite of your decisions. 

Oh and did I mention how doubt loves to introduce you to his best mate, confusion. Totally not worth meeting this guy either.

So this time, I have chosen not to doubt my decision. I definitely had a few moments where those fears came flooding in like; what if Gods doesn’t agree with your decision (after already getting the green light), or what if you change your mind and my personal favourite; what if after you leave your job you become so bored that you get super depressed and then don’t do anything at all, and waste your whole life.. You get the idea, these doubts are ridiculous! 

Anyway the truth is, I am leaving as I’ve been too busy. I don’t want to always be busy with work & good things, that I never actually give the time to discover what’s really inside of me and what I’m capable of. I’d like more time to seek Jesus and to be His friend without always feeling rushed, busy or tired. I’d like to pursue more of my passions, my creative side. I want to help people because I want to, not because I have to. I need more time to spend with my dear housemate. I want to have time to love my friends and to love strangers. So yes we shall see how all this goes and where this new venture leads.................................

It's cool because I already feel a new freedom now to make decisions and to be confident in them. I know God, I know He’s inside of me and I know He’s for me. I don’t have to be afraid of making decisions anymore. But when I choose something, its almost like the most important thing is to then embrace that decision and to be confident in it and in Christ. Decisions feel a whole lot easier now.

 Phillipians 3: 12-16 (the message version)
I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have made it. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward – to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back. So lets keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision – you’ll see it! Now that we’re on the right track- lets stay on it.
(the rest of this chapter is awesome too!)

Matthew 5: 37
Let your yes be yes and your no be no, anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

Monday 19 May 2014

The Certain Future.

The uncertain future is made certain... only when it is found in Him. Coming home, everything has felt so uncertain. To be completely honest it's been hard coming home, much harder than I thought it would be. I definitely didn't see this season coming. I had my heart set on so many other dreams, nations, plans.. Prior to coming home at Christmas, I had just spent 5 months overseas dreaming about living and serving in other nations. So being back here in Perth now for almost 5 months (wow time has flown!) has been a real shock to the system and journey of rediscovering God here in my city, in my home, in my church, in my friends.. A journey I am definitely still in the midst of and a journey I am slowly learning to enjoy.

Along the way Pappa God has given me many precious moments spurring me on to love Him more:

His Kindness. I can't ever forget His kindness. Daily God has given me gems and pearls and moments that remind me of His loving kindness. Like the morning my friend Simone and I got up to see the sunrise at the beach, we worshiped on the beach, swam with dolphins, climbed the rocks and let God refresh us with His beauty.

His Healing. I can't forget the situations and moments God has walked me back through in this season to receive healing in the depths of my soul.

His Friendships. Some of my best moments being home have been the times I have spent with my mum. We are more alike than I ever knew (go figure) and she has been such a beautiful friend and flower to me. We have kayaked from Molloy to Augusta, explored hidden beaches and farms, started our journey on the cape to cape, painted, prayed and encouraged one another. Being with her has been the most beautiful of all treasures.

His Confidence. When I first came home, I remember having a moment where I felt paralysed with fear. Fear that I thought I had dealt with, I guess it was just another layer of my heart being opened. Since then God has given me many little opportunities to take steps to deal with these fears. Sometimes I see Him with a loaf of bread which He pushes into my tummy. The bread represents confidence and He fills me up with it and then together we conquer fear together.

There are so many details and moments that have taken my breath away in this season. But don't get me wrong, these moments have felt like the jewels amongst a lot of other muck. There have been so many days where I have had to fight so hard to get out of bed, so many moments where I have felt hopeless and confused.

But this season is definitely about fighting hopelessness. At the start of the year God told me that this year was a year of HOPE. Since then, everything has seemed like the opposite. But let me tell you, this year is going to be greater than we have ever dreamt, in the midst of pain and trouble Gods love and light is going to shine even brighter. Our Prince of Peace is here and He has a whole life full of HOPE, LOVE and PEACE to give us. He never gives up, He never looses H O P E! Every place we may feel is hopeless, is just the area that God wants to move into next. We can't fail. I see us rolling the dice and on every side of the dice it says WIN! We are winning, we are growing stronger and greater through the tough times. There is no place Gods love and power can't go! When we are in trouble, we need God even more.

So may every season of our lives, every uncertainty, may it all be an opportunity for our God to reveal Himself to us in a greater and new way!

I love you guys, you are an incredible family! So thankful for all my friends and family who are apart of my life. Peace xxx

Friday 20 December 2013

The Village

Last week we drove 10 hours and stayed 8 days, in some remote, Indian villages. The villages we went to felt untouched. Rarely do people travel out to them. Many of the villagers had never seen white people before, let alone heard of them! Some thought we were demons or diseased... 

We went to some villages which were unreached and had never been told about the love of Jesus.

It felt like we were the disciples in the Bible. We went village to village sharing the gospel, staying with whoever welcomed us, and having signs, wonders and miracles follow us everywhere we went...

We saw deaf ears open, blind eyes open, the lame walking, the paralzed healed and many were set free. We saw many children & adults freely give their lives to Jesus! Oh & our broken car horn and headlights also got miraculously fixed!

I took this photo in the village. It sums up my experience there. It's all the little things that say "I love you".

I felt Gods love & grace so strongly in the village. The trip wasn't ever meant to be about me.. But Jesus loves in such an extravegant way that everywhere I went, everyday, I felt like God orchestrated so much of the trip for me! Just to tell me He loves me.

From the leaf cut out like a love heart, to the beautiful lady who came in the morning and put flowers in my hair, to the children who worshiped & danced with me in the morning sunlight. One day I got given so many flowers I couldn't keep them all and everytime one died I was given a fresh one. I was given fruit (a prized possession here)! I got so many hugs & cuddles from the kids & felt the love of Jesus when I looked in their eyes. One night after praying for so many people & seeing nothing, God was so kind to allow me to hear the testimony of one woman who I got to pray for, whose eyes were healed and now she doesn't need surgery! 

To me its all the little things that count. I love how God knows this about me.

I'm not sure of the quality (sorry!) But heres a blind guy who got healed-

And some dancing in one of the village churches-